Become a part of Flaster drivers network

How it works?

Flaster driver

Fill out the online application with vehicle information and your daily movements.

Finding a campaign

Flaster finds the ideal campaign for your daily routine, type and color of vehicle.

Wrapping the vehicle

Flaster team wraps high-quality and removable foils that will not damage the paint on your vehicle.

Drive to earn

The easiest way to earn - turn on the application and go on your usual drive.

How much can I earn?


If you can't find the answer to your question, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!

Flaster is a platform that connects brands that want to take advantage of mobile outdoor advertising and drivers who are on the road every day in frequent city locations.

The driver must be of legal age and the vehicle must be clean and tidy, without visible external damage and under five years old. In addition, the vehicle must be on the road 26 days a month with a minimum daily mileage of 180 km.

The first condition is the possession of a trade or company to which we can pay the agreed amount. Earnings depend on the duration of the campaign and the type of sticker chosen by the client. For the cut or partial version, if the driver fulfills the minimum conditions, he can earn EUR 110, and for the full version EUR 148. Additional payment is made for passenger sampling in the vehicle, appearance at the location/event and the weekly prize for the best driver.

The duration depends on whether it is partial wrapping or wrapping the entire car. On average, wrapping lasts from two to five hours.

The foils were developed with the aim of being easy to install and remove after the campaign without damaging the paint. Before applying the sticker, the driver signs that the paint is original, otherwise we cannot guarantee that it will not be damaged.

The driver's data is protected and no one except Flaster has access to the data. Daily and monthly routes are shared in the form of reports with the brands that have leased the advertising space of the car, but the reports do not contain personal data or contact information.

It's free now and forever.

The condition is a minimum of 3.900 km per month, or 26 days per month at a minimum of 150 km per day.

Please register by clicking on the link so that we can include you in our database.

The possibility of earning money through campaigns depends on the current customer demand for vehicles. We definitely suggest that you do not delete the mobile app so that we can inform you about a new campaign that would suit you. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee within which period you can expect the first advertisement.

The Flaster platform is designed as a passive income for drivers. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the campaign. By registering on the Flaster platform, you enter the database of drivers who can be selected for client campaigns. The selection of the driver itself depends on the preferences and goals of the campaign and the currently active campaigns.